Hythe Art Society was formed in 1965, and is now a thriving, well-supported Society. We meet fortnightly on Wednesdays in the St. John Ambulance Hall in Albert Lane, Hythe, CT21 6BY. From September to May we have a monthly demonstration by a professional artist, then a workshop on the alternative Wednesdays, where members can try out the techniques demonstrated the previous meeting or ‘do their own thing’. We also have a Summer outdoor painting programme from June to September, run organised trips to various London Galleries, and have regular video evenings at Saltwood Parish Church. There is a DVD and video Library available at demonstration meetings and we have various other art-related activities and events through the year.
Once a year, in July, we hold a selling exhibition at the Tin Tabernacle, Stade Street where members are encouraged to show, and hopefully sell, their work.
Annual subscription is £20 per year, and we welcome all ages and abilities. We currently have 120 members, unfortunately we are restricted to this by the regulations of the Hall, and so we have a waiting list. If you would like to be placed on the list, please fill in the form on our ‘contact us’ page on our website and we will be in touch as soon as possible.