01303 872289
Bethany Lodge & Bethany House Nursing Home
Bethany Lodge & Bethany House are purpose built care homes specialising in the care of young adults with a physical disability. We are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide Nursing
and Residential Care.
Our clients suffer from a variety of physical disabilities including: Acquired Brain Injury, Congenital Disorder and Degenerative Illnesses.
Bethany Lodge was opened in 1992 and is a purpose built 24 bedded unit that has all
ground floor accommodation in single bedrooms. The shower rooms, bathrooms and
toilets are all designed to accommodate wheelchair users.
Bethany House was opened in 1997 and has 15 single en-suite bedrooms.
All of our rooms are equipped with the aids that are required to meet the needs of our
highly dependent clients, such as specialist beds and overhead tracking for hoisting.
On site facilities include: A hydrotherapy pool, a large arts and crafts workshop and a
snoezelen (multi-sensory room).
The gardens are easily wheelchair accessible and have a patio and seated area with
a fishpond.
Email: bethanylodge@btconnect.com